
SAAB 900i1991Miles: 82.000UKClub ID: 900HOSC00131Zoltan GalambosIG: zoltangalamboss My name is Zoli and I am a proud owner of a Saab 900i Classic with a 2.0 16 valve, non turbo, petrol engine and automatic transmission. I acquired this lovely Saab not long ago, with a...


Saab 900 2.1 3D Coupe1992KM: 441.000FinlandClub ID: 900HOSC00129Toni KoskinenIG: toni.koskinen I recived this beautiful Saab 900 as a donation on october 2017. It had not passed MOT and the preivious owner decided to pass her on with the condition that the new owner...


Saab 900i 16v hatchback1992KM: 298.000The NetherlandsClub ID: 900HOSC00119Henny BeekmanIG: / In 2000 werd ik de 3e eigenaar van deze Saab 900i v16 uit oktober 1992, In de loop der jaren geprobeerd de Saab zo origineel te maken als mogelijk was. Zo heeft de Saab nu:...