Saab 900i
KM: 178.000
The Netherlands
Club ID: 900HOSC00068
IG: medved_dim
I bought the 900 sight unseen, only knew it was stripped to the frame. Took me and a friend 2/3 weeks to put the car back together and get it inspected! Currently its in primer waiting for paint and then she’s reasdy for the road! Saab always has been in my family, starting with my grandfather owning a 9-3 OG. After he survived an accident (If it werent for the Saab, you’d not be here talking to me sir said the police officer) and after that my dad and me knew: We’re going to be buying Saabs. My first Saab was a 9-3 SS, and my dad bought a 9-3 SE. loved the cars ever since and never had a ounce of regret.